Summary of “The Qur’aan and Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible?

This article by Dr. Zakir Naik explores the compatibility between the teachings of the Qur’an and modern scientific discoveries. The Qur’an is regarded as a divine book providing guidance not just for religious practices but for understanding various natural phenomena. Dr. Naik examines how the Qur’an, revealed over 1,400 years ago, aligns with scientific facts discovered in the modern era.

The Challenge of the Qur’an

The Qur’an challenges mankind to produce a chapter similar to its profound text, asserting that no human work can match its eloquence, depth, and message. The article stresses that the Qur’an is not just a book of science but a book of “signs” that contain scientific facts interwoven with spiritual and moral guidance.


Dr. Naik highlights how the Qur’an refers to modern astronomical phenomena such as the Big Bang, the expansion of the universe, and the spherical shape of the Earth. For instance, the Qur’an mentions the heavens and the Earth being one entity before being separated (Big Bang) and speaks of the continuous expansion of the universe, which modern science confirmed only in the 20th century.

Physics and Geology

The existence of subatomic particles is another scientific fact alluded to in the Qur’an. Additionally, the concept of mountains acting as stabilizers for the Earth’s crust, known in geology as “folding,” is accurately described in the Qur’an. Dr. Naik notes that the Qur’an’s mention of such facts long before they were scientifically discovered is evidence of its divine origin.


The Qur’an speaks of a barrier between bodies of saltwater and freshwater, a phenomenon confirmed by modern oceanography. Dr. Naik discusses how the scientific discovery of barriers that prevent different bodies of water from mixing completely aligns with the Qur’anic verse about the same topic.

Biology and Zoology

The Qur’an describes the creation of all living things from water, a fact that modern biology confirms, as all living organisms are composed largely of water. Additionally, the Qur’an speaks about the community structure of animals and the intricacies of their lifestyles, which modern zoology has extensively documented.


One of the most compelling arguments in the article is the Qur’an’s references to embryology. Dr. Naik emphasizes how the Qur’an accurately describes the stages of human development, including the formation of the embryo and its transformation into flesh and bones. These descriptions align with the findings of modern embryology, a fact acknowledged by notable scientists like Dr. Keith Moore.


Dr. Zakir Naik concludes that the Qur’an’s references to various scientific phenomena, discovered centuries after its revelation, prove that the Qur’an is indeed of divine origin. He argues that science and the Qur’an are not incompatible; rather, the Qur’an offers insights that complement and often precede scientific understanding.


Naik, Z. (2000). The Qur’aan and Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible? Islamic Research Foundation.

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